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Live a life Turned on!

Make showing up 100% at home and at work the rule not the exception. Discover what you can achieve when you’re operating at full Voltage! Find hidden energy reserves and create new ones! Ramona has ushered many high functioning people through extreme work and life changes. Her ability to recognize and apply small changes to make big differences is all it takes to regain balance and perspective. Your relationships, whether personal or professional, will be stronger and your work more rewarding once you develop a Megawatt mindset.

Here’s what’s covered:

  • Begin transformation by determining your current energy output

  • Discover the habits that drain your batteries

  • Learn how to refuel for a quick boost and to get through emergencies

  • Manage life’s curve balls without skipping a beat

  • Get your mind working for, not against you

  • Build healthy habits your body can rely on to achieve high performance days,

    weeks months and years

  • Connect mind body spirit for balanced life and sustainable energy

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